

While the Elmgrant Trust assesses each application on its individual merits, we receive many applications a year, so we choose to prioritise geographically and certain types of work. We will consider applications :

  • from the South West area of England, especially Devon and Cornwall
  • projects which help to improve the quality of local life and welfare
  • art projects which help to improve the quality of local life
  • from individuals who are further educating themselves to improve their job prospects with a clear compassionate need.

We are happy to receive applications for core running costs or project costs of small established organisations who have a proven record of making a significant difference.

We do not usually make grants to large UK wide charities but make rare exceptions when an individual project is in the geographical area.

Average grants are in the region of £550 for organisations, and possibly up to £1000 for  individuals under 18 and possibly up to £3000 for individuals over 18 yrs of age.


We do not support the following so PLEASE DO NOT APPLY if your organisation or application falls into any of the following categories:

  • general appeals or circulars
  • grants to individuals for postgraduate study or related expenses,
  • grants for second and subsequent degrees,
  • overseas student grants,
  • expeditions, travel and study projects overseas,
  • individual travel,
  • large-scale national organisations
  • promotion of religion,
  • animal welfare,
  • we rarely fund research,
  • retrospective funding: please check out the dates of our next meeting in relation to your funding timing and email the secretary if you have any doubts.

Applications from recipients of grants are not considered again within a two-year period of the award being made.